Huawei Mate 20 Pro has been reinstated in the Android Q beta programme. Google had removed the phone after the US imposed a ban on the Chinese telecommunication giant, but the Mate 20 Pro has now been relisted after the 90-day reprieve period issued by the authorities. The phone is back on the list of devices that are part of the Android Q beta programme, which means that Huawei Mate 20 Pro users will get next Android Q beta update whenever it arrives. It is important to note here that the Mate 20 Pro Android Q beta programme is limited to confirmed Google Play developers.
Google has updated its Android Q beta device page to reflect Huawei Mate 20 Pro as an eligible device once again. The option to download the beta update is also live, along with the ‘report issue' and ‘support' options as well. However, the Huawei P30 Pro and the Huawei Mate X that were removed from the site haven't been reinstated.
Google hasn't relisted Huawei phones on the Android Enterprise Device list either. Google recently updated its Android Enterprise Devices list to remove all Huawei phones and even the Nexus 6P that was made by Huawei. This list consists of all the recommended secure devices that companies can handover to their employees. Before the ban, Google had many Huawei phones listed on the recommended section and about two dozen on the Android Enterprise partner list. Huawei phones that have been removed include the Mate 10 series, the P20 series, and the Mate 20 series as well.
Apart from Google, Huawei has faced suspension of business from various organisations as well. The company was removed from Wi-Fi Alliance, SD Association, JEDEC, and many other groups. However, Huawei has been relisted on Wi-Fi Alliance and SD Association as well. It could also just be a temporary measure, until the 90-days grace period is over, after which Huawei may be removed once again.
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